Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Whatever happened to the Chiswick bus skidpan training centre

Slowly getting back in the swing of thing's,
Saturday night around Zoo time (chucking out time for the Animal's) I'm travelling east to old street roundabout, along oxford street on my way to pick up an account customer, that's going my way home,

There is this what i can only describe as a beat up old wreck that wouldn't look out of place at a banger racing event,
He's holding me up Kerb crawling
a thoroughbred Scab (tout illegally plying for hire)He hasn't even got the yellow disc, Not surprising by the state of the car, Shouting out his window asking the many punters where they want to go,
Ignoring by now, my Blazing headlights on full beam, and my blaring horn, Eventually i manage to pass screaming out the window you F_ _ing Tosser, "That told him he couldn't answer that one"

Finally i arrive at old street roundabout Doors locked and meter on,
I'm greeted by more Zombies of the night, "herro Clan you Hiccup tlake mle To Watford Hiccup, I'm booked Say's I,
With that this scab pulls up behind with the yellow disc this time, and starts to negotiate a price to watford,
I get out and proceed to write down his number, seeing me do this he pulls up right next to me almost hitting me, he rolls down his window and say's in broken English what are you taking my number for,
calmly i reply oh its ok mate im just reporting you to the public carriage office for illegally plying for hire, Is it your job he Say's yelling at the top of his voice, calmly i reply "118 118 I got your number" Not looking so happy he screams fuck off and disappeared into the night,

Tonight Tuesday I'm driving along regents park road, with two punters in the back, when all of a sudden I'm met with a hand out some guy dressed in a big long black coat and big black hat looking like the sandeman,
standing alongside a double deck bus, so I pulled up rolled down my offside window,Sandeman says can you tell us meaning the bus driver and he, how to get to saint john's wood road,
Iv already got a fare on and besides i can only take five there must be 30 people on there,
Now that just about takes the biscuit,
I told them they had passed the place they should have turned left, "you'd better turn around Say's I" Oh your no good he says,

It made me think of the day's when I was on the buses Carlos and I (aka londoncabby)were at the same bus garage, and did our training at the world famous chiswick training centre,
Spinning the old routemaster around on the famous skidpan, not for the fainthearted, I really couldn't imagine the frightened little girl driving this bus Doing it, and believe me that's no exaggeration that's what she was,Her passengers looked a little concerned too
and with good reason,
Anyway I'd like to thank paradise driver, Tel,& my anonymous friend in Australia, funny enough we used to call him the bus, for you're kind comments, and good wishes concerning my health,
Good health to all,& Bye for now & be careful out there

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Back from the dead

Its been a long time since my last post, for three weeks of it i was Horizontal, came down with some sort of virus after untold blood tests, losing a stone in weight,(which i could ill afford to lose Ha HA) sweating profusely, especially in the night, breaking out in a rash, shivering, convinced i was on my way out,
All the tests came back negative, and Quick as it came it just passed, Not ever finding out what it was that was wrong with me for sure,
It is at this stage i feel everyone should be warned by a mistake i made, which although foolish, could have been fatal,
I was taking lem-sip plus along with two Paracetamol, for some days not realising Lem-sip contains an equivalent of two paracetamols, so i was taking double the dosage it only came to light whilst i was on the phone to NHS Direct seeking advice, they Questioned me about what i was taking, i had to go to A&E immediately for blood tests which came back showing a high liver count, i had started to damage my liver, a later blood test showed the same results, it is my opinion that, I probably had the Flu, and the symptoms i was experiencing was a result of the damage i was causing to my liver,
well I'm now back at work, trying to play catch up, I'm off to Thailand for the whole of February with the wife, we go out there mostly every year, but three weeks of no work has put a big dent in the finances especially with Christmas fast approaching, I'm just Gonna have to Nuckle down and get stuck in
Anyway i wish you all Health and Happiness