Sunday, 26 August 2007

I have really heard it all now

Just come back from another Saturday night at London Zoo,
sometimes it really feels like that out there, picking your way through best way you can, avoiding people throwing up, wanting to fight, arguing about the amount on the meter,the route you took, driving too slow, driving too fast,"What DYA Mean you've never erd of it i fawt you lot werr supost ta naw evryfing" Including Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, As iv said before The Knowledge not to be confused with Knowledge,
Anyway my Gripe for Saturday night, all night long i kept getting jobs up North of London, that's OK but i live in North London, when i want to go home, Where are all these people that live North of this wonderful city, everyone wants to go south, Sods Law nothing to do with Einstein's,
Anyway i get all the way back into Covent Garden for the fifth time, & this sweet lady flags me down and asks for Crouch end, OK Say's i, "I'm just wainting for my friends" Say's she as she makes herself comfortable in the back leaving the door open, then appears her four friends three of which are carrying the fourth,So off i go again, on reaching Crouch end she Say's pull over here driver,, some of us want to get out.
Three get out,leaving the comatosed guy and his friend in the back, who want to go around the corner "Good luck with Tom" Say's she, anyway we get around the corner he pays me off and tries to drag Tom out of the cab, Poor old Tom fall's flat on his face on the ground, and his pal actually started to drag him down the road by his arm.
I floored it to get away as quick as i could, Its at this point iv decided to throw the towel in, Iv run short of small change also, adding to my Woes,

On the way back as I'm sat a set of Traffic lights, This South African Guy who's Obviously had a good drink but looks OK Say's could i take him to Dollis Hill, its right on my way so i agree, He's Chatting on his Mobile phone most of the way and as we neared the destination i could not believe my ears at what he said next,"Have these cab's got modified suspension" Wondering where this conversation is going IE complaint or maybe a compliment,I say "No standard Suspension" Then he Say's "Iv heard that the meter is connected to the suspension and every time you go over a bump the meter goes up" I Roar with laughter and say "WHAT are you serious" i assured him the meter would go up anyway it doesn't require help from bumps NUTTER, i really have heard it all now.


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