Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Vito Day Four

I am having to write from notes that I made to bring you up to speed with where I am now.

Day Four was pretty uneventful until I picked up these three Girls from Buckingham gate. They wanted to go to Highgate via Victoria. On arrival at Victoria two got out leaving one more to go to Highgate. She said she would need a cashpoint on the way. Iv been done before by cameras for parking on red routes so I decided to stop at the H.S.B.C in Curzon st. The conversation on the way very quickly turned to the cab. She told me she worked for tfl and that I had made a sound investment what with the cab being six-seater an all & the fast approaching Olympics. The usual patter of someone that has had too much to drink. What she wasn't aware of was my anxiety as to whether she might be sick or not. Women are notorious for getting sick and saying nothing.

I forgot to mention that after her pals got out she wanted to know how much the fare would be.
When we got to the Hsbc it had £9.40 on the meter. So I told her it would be somewhere around £35. she'd better be safe and get forty out. "Forty pound to Highgate" she says. I then tried to explain God only knows why. That if you start making diversions to station's and cashpoints it has an overall affect on the meter, What with the recent tariff increase. I ain't Harry Houdini and I certainly am not being held to Ransom over some price I give some drunk as an estimate at the start of the Journey. "Its on the Meter." Anyway the atmosphere very quickly changed from nice cab to I know where I'm going Iv lived in London all my life. She couldn't see what difference stopping off here and there would make on the price. Then she started saying I wouldn't have come this way. "O yeah" says I. Then what way would you have gone madam. As Im going up Davies street heading for Marylebone lane & Wimpole st to get Marylebone rd.
"Tottenham ct rd" she says. By the time I got into Wimpole st I find myself Telling her to check on a map when she gets home.
WHY do I take the bait every time Arghh. Anyway by now She's telling me shes frightened. So I said "would you like me to pull over" Ok she says. So after she payed me the £15.60 on the meter I told her that she actually frightened me and that the real problem here was that she had too much to drink. To which she replied "I knew you'd say that"
Anyway i was Glad to see the back of her. I think cabs should carry Doggie bags like Aircraft For these lowlives.


Blogger Chris Ex Cabby said...

Hi Titanic. Gotta admit, I don't like these Vito's. I think they blur the line between Hackney's and Private Hire. I think the trade needs a distinct vehicle. It won't be long before Addison Lee have them and then the public won't be able to tell the difference!

I left the trade just before Christmas for a job in Local Government. Miss some things about it but not picking up pissheads (I used to work evenings till midnight). It's amazing how quickly they can turn, all friendly one minute then horrible the next if you're not going their favourite way! Women always seem to be the worst, probably cos they think that they can get away with more!!

Anyway, good luck with the new vehicle, hope the wheels are all pointing in the same direction!!

7 April 2009 at 12:36  
Blogger Chris said...

I hear what you are saying, & have to admit i agree with you to a degree. But I also Dont like being held to Ransom By LTI Who have had a monopoly on the trade. And in my opinion have abused That fact. It reminds me of the day I passed the Knowledge. When I went to pick up my rental cab from coley allens. Some old boy that had been driving a cab since Horsedrawn cart's & had Clocked my shiny new Green badge decided he was going to impart some of his wisdom upon me whether I liked it or not said "Son There is a lot of money to be made in the cab trade"
Watching me light up like a Christmas tree. Only to follow up with "unfortunatley not by the cabbie" How true his word's have prooved to be. Good luck with your venture's in life Whatever they Be. Chris

7 April 2009 at 13:14  

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